We Don’t Post & Pray. We hunt and Deliver

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Providing Diverse Professional Talent for Leadership Roles

Diversity and inclusion mean moving beyond talking points and starting to make a real impact in diverse hiring.


 Welcome! We Are Diversity Talent Scouts

Diversity Talent Scouts (DTS) specialize in Scouting out Diverse Professionals and placing them in Leadership roles. Our goal is to “Represent the Underrepresented” while educating leadership on the positive impact of Diversity.

We are hunters, our business is based on our strong community which is proven through our 85% diversity placement rate.

Our recruiters use market research, competitive advantage, and your industry strategy for your long-term growth plans.

Our goal is not to invite Diversity to the party but invite Diverse Applicants to join you in PLANNING for the party because there is power in Diversity.

“We don’t post and pray..... we hunt and deliver.”


Talent Business Partners

Diversity Talent Scouts is an executive search firm that delivers diversified candidates that client companies can hire with confidence today for results now and in the future.

We recruit strong candidates from diverse backgrounds who will exceed your needs today, and who will perform as your leaders of tomorrow.

As the American workforce matures and changes, you want the best candidates for difficult-to-fill positions that require diverse backgrounds, and specialized talent, achievement, education, training, and experience. We do the difficult work of finding and supplying candidates who meet today’s complex hiring requirements, including diversity and inclusiveness.

Diversity Talent Scouts (DTS) works aggressively to meet the stated needs of clients who want a diverse mix of professionals whose skill sets and experience fit your organizational profile: passionate, industrious, creative, cohesive, and productive.